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    Posted in: NALP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Section

    Hi all, Are any schools doing any anti-racism/implicit bias training for staff members?  There's been a lot of attention on faculty and students but I'd love to hear about any programs or presenters that people have used for staff members.  Particularly ...

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    Posted in: NALP Chief Officer Interest Group

    Hi all, We are in the process of revamping our business development curriculum, including the usage of external coaches.  If anyone is willing to chat and/or share theirs, please reach out to me. Thank you! Mindy ------------------------------ Mindy ...

  • 老王 2.2.7


    Posted in: West/Rocky Mountain Region

    Hi all, UC Hastings is hiring an (Assoc.) Director of Professional Development.   Please help spread the word! Direct link to  apply (and description)  is  here .  Candidates from diverse backgrounds and/or non-traditional career paths are encouraged ...

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    The Missing Link to Sustainable Diversity and Incl ...

    Posted in: NALP Diversity, Equity & Inclusion Section

    As a vice-chair for the Environmental Scanning work-group for the DEI Section, I present the following for discussion:   The Missing Link to Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion (17:51), Maria Morukian , TEDx, YouTube - http://youtu.be/Kt5kXnCupmQ ...

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    Posted in: Midwest Region

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    Posted in: Southeast Region

  • 老王v2.2.8

    你好邻居iOS内购破解下载:免费解锁完整游戏-同步推资讯:2021-6-10 · 《你好,邻居》是一款题材新颖的恐怖潜行游戏,玩家将众第一视角潜入邻居老王家中窥探秘密。游戏极度的烧脑,没有剧情提示和关卡指引,而且游戏AI设定很厉害,邻居老王会不断学习,如果套路失败,重启游戏后沿用旧套路就很容易失败,只能换别的招。

    Posted in: Canada Region

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    Katie Hoekstra
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    Carrie English
    56 Points
